Because winter will be over soon and your baby may be needing more spring/summer items, I'm hoping to make a few new items before too long to show you. Until then, I have a few pictures to show you of what I had been crocheting for orders.
This was a custom order. So girly <3
hat detail
3 owl hats for 3 cuties in a family photo
I fell in love with the sock monkey
(another custom order)
Mr. Skunk was probably my hardest hat to make.
Now... to introduce other items I've been doing...
Baby Booties! <3
(above: these all went to Main Street Exchange)
Below: newborn girl booties
If you would like to order a beanie and/or booties, please email me at: and I will gladly give you prices and will do my best to make what you want. Since I've pretty much caught up with my orders, wait time shouldn't be too long.
Sewing projects and other updates aside from tots in toques
We are expecting a child in May and I can't tell you HOW thrilled we are! Husband has been busy painting our nursery, I've been busy sewing a few items for baby, baby room, registering, and dreaming of this baby.
a few handmade burp cloths
To baby - From daddy
Husband picked out material that I made into a blanket. He's got good taste.
I attempted a DIY canvas for my craft room.
"When you judge people, you have not time to love them."
Mother Teresa
"Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter."
Francis Chan
"The point is not to completely understand God but to WORSHIP Him. Let the very fact that you cannot know Him fully lead you to praise Him for His infiniteness and grandeur."
Francis Chan
...just a few quotes I love. Hoping you have a wonderful week ahead! Kristen