where you can love on your baby

Monday, January 28, 2013

Happy Monday

I figured it's about time to post again. After a crazy, busy, fun last few months of trying to finish my hat orders, I took the month of January off of any crocheting. I spent time sewing and doing craft projects. I loved the break, but am getting into crocheting again. Thank you to all of you who ordered a hat! My hobby has been turned into a fun, little, home business. I am liking that. 

Because winter will be over soon and your baby may be needing more spring/summer items, I'm hoping to make a few new items before too long to show you. Until then, I have a few pictures to show you of what I had been crocheting for orders. 

This was a custom order. So girly <3

hat detail

3 owl hats for 3 cuties in a family photo

I fell in love with the sock monkey
(another custom order)

Mr. Skunk was probably my hardest hat to make. 

Now... to introduce other items I've been doing...

Baby Booties! <3

(above: these all went to Main Street Exchange)

Below: newborn girl booties

If you would like to order a beanie and/or booties, please email me at: krismllr@yahoo.com and I will gladly give you prices and will do my best to make what you want. Since I've pretty much caught up with my orders, wait time shouldn't be too long.

Sewing projects and other updates aside from tots in toques

We are expecting a child in May and I can't tell you HOW thrilled we are! Husband has been busy painting our nursery, I've been busy sewing a few items for baby, baby room, registering, and dreaming of this baby. 

a few handmade burp cloths

To baby - From daddy
Husband picked out material that I made into a blanket. He's got good taste.

I attempted a DIY canvas for my craft room.

"When you judge people, you have not time to love them."
Mother Teresa

"Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter."
Francis Chan

"The point is not to completely understand God but to WORSHIP Him. Let the very fact that you cannot know Him fully lead you to praise Him for His infiniteness and grandeur."
Francis Chan

...just a few quotes I love. Hoping you have a wonderful week ahead! Kristen

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

posting during football?

trying to write a post while watching football isn't a good thing. very distracting. i wanted to show you a few beanie's i've made as well as give you a glimpse of newer things i've been crocheting. if you've been following my facebook, you will have seen most of these pictures. i have some newer designs i wanna try out sometime but haven't had the time to do that yet.
life consists of work, doing wifely duties, and crocheting. this little guy loves when i sit on the front porch and crochet.
random fact. almost eight billion pounds of spun yarn was produced in the United States during 1995. lots of crocheting was done. lots of tots had sweet hats back then.

if you are interested in a hat, email me at: krismllr@yahoo.com i only make newborn to 3 years. or if we're "friends" you can message me on my facebook :)
my love for crocheting all started with my mom. she makes hot pads. many hot pads. she's the most giving woman. i had a girls breakfast at my mom's one weekend and she voluntarily gave each of my friends a hot pad. she also has been crocheting hot pads and donating them to 61 Surplus to sell. she taught me how to crochet hot pads. thankfully after mastering that i could move onto what i really wanted to crochet. baby beanies and such.
it took me LONG to figure out how to crochet booties. these were my first ones. my friend is a steeler's fan and she had a baby boy recently, so he got the yellow booties. figured baby william would appreciate that.

...these are my latest project. this is pair 2 of 8 going to a local store coming October. now it's back to watching football. hoping to get alot of crocheting done with my mom this weekend. i'm so excited to head back home!


Friday, August 31, 2012

hello world!

welcome! i'm so glad you're swinging by. this whole blogging makes me a little nervous but i figured it's about time i have a site made for my love...crocheting! i'm hoping to keep you filled in on my creations here.

there's nothing better than completing a beanie/bootie and seeing the finished product on an adorable infant! makes this so fun. so if you see an item you like and would like to order one, let me know! there's nothing that i like better than to 'LOVE ON YOUR BABY!'

again, i'm new at this and i'm hoping to post pictures soon of finished products. in the meantime, i need to be crocheting. i can't wait to tell you about a shop that will be carrying my products very soon! :) details to come...

happy labor day weekend and thank you for swinging by!              -kristen